Platform Updates 2024

  • Manual contribution moderation for Innovate activities.
  • AI-powered early-warning contribution moderation for Innovate activities.
  • Google reCAPTCHA is now protecting the platform.
  • Parent Spaces. A Space can be set as parent Space for customers that have multiple Spaces.
  • The operation called “Any question” in Vocean Copilot is now renamed to “Ask Vocean”.
  • Big performance improvements for Explore when having thousands of participants.
  • Google reCAPTCHA is now protecting the platform.
  • An AI summary will be generated for long values on Innovate idea properties of type text and formatted text. The summary can be found next to the heading of the idea property after opening an idea.
  • You can now copy templates without being the creator of the template. You do this by clicking a template in the list of templates and then clicking the copy button in the pop-up dialog. This only applies to templates that are restricted within your network.
  • You can now change the administrator for templates. To do this, click a template in the list of templates, then click the settings button in the pop-up dialog, then click the Change Admin button. This only applies to templates that are restricted within your network and you are the current template administrator.
  • Now, when you finish or delete a Workboard, all its activities are also finished or deleted at the same time. Therefore, you no longer need to first finish or delete all activities before you can finish or delete the Workboard itself.
  • You can now close and delete the Workboard directly via the Workboard menu in the same way you previously could with its activities.
  • You can now override the phrase activity/activities in Workboards. This means you can change “activity” to any term you prefer. For example, “Section”, “Phase”, “Question”, “Lecture”, etc.
  • You can now choose to hide the follow activity buttons in activities. Doing this also hides the leader’s functions for sending messages to those who follow.
  • AI-reports, analysis of contributions and gap analysis now takes contribution properties (sliders, text and formatted text) and categories into consideration.
  • The “Improve activity” function in Vocean CoPilot has been improved.
  • New function for Innovate in Vocean CoPilot called “Any question” that allows you to prompt the AI freely with the activity and its contributions as context.
  • WCAG AAA compliance has been implemented for the participation-mode of all activities. This ensures better standards of usage for people with people with impaired vision for example.
  • The participation form for Innovate is now opened in an expanded card like participate for the other activity types.
  • It’s now possible to select a link when embedding an activity card.
  • There is now a button to Select all contributions in Explore text question result cards.
  • The limit for how many groups you can include in an AI Gap Analysis has been increased from 3 to 5.
  • We have switched to a more advanced AI model, which gives better quality to all answers from Vocean Copilot.
  • The Generate AI Report feature for Innovate and Explore has been redesigned from the ground up. The reports will be twice as long with much better content.
  • You can now choose which language the report should be written in when generating an AI report.
  • Easier to select all and deselect all in the idea list. Now when you select all, only those included in the current filter are selected instead of all ideas in the entire activity. This makes it easy to, for example, select all ideas with a certain category by filtering on that category and then clicking select all.

Platform Updates 2023

  • It is now possible to create, move and configure participation cards for all activities.
  • A new activity type called Present! The Present-activity can show data from multiple other activities within the platform. You can include the results from digital workshops, collaboration sessions, and other activities to create comprehensive presentations that provide a clear overview and understanding of the progress made. Present is a user-friendly and intuitive method for collecting, analyzing and presenting data, making decision-making faster and more informed. With this tool, you can measure the effects of your organization’s activities and make evidence-based decisions. For this new type of activity, we have a lot more features we plan to add in the near future so keep your eyes open.
  • All activity views have been adapted for print, print either via the browser’s print function or via the new print button in the activity header.
  • New setting on activity cards to always display them expanded in full width.
  • New “Formatted Text” card is now available on all activities. Leaders can use this to write documentation, instructions, embed images, links, etc on a workboard or activity.
  • On the new activity type “Present” and on Workboards, you can now select “Add card from activity…” when adding a card. Then you can add cards that link to completely different activities, both within the same Workboard but also outside.
  • The Prioritize result card now has settings like other result cards.
  • Category-library is launched. All categories that are added to activities are also added to the organization’s category-library. The same category can therefore be used in several activities instead of creating duplicates for each activity. This means that categories are elevated from the activity level to the organizational level. This opens up great possibilities for the future, such as category analysis and statistics for the entire organization. You can now see how many activities and contributions each category is used on throughout the organization. Categories can be created just as before when creating activities or through contributions, but now also in advance through the category-library if you prefer. The category-library can be found through the organization’s settings and can be managed by the organization’s administrators.
  • Categories are now included when you move contributions between activities.
  • Now when clicking an idea in the list of ideas in Innovate activities a new menu appears where you can take action on the clicked idea. The actions you can choose from the menu are open, edit, select, deselect, like, copy to another activity and delete the idea.
  • There is now a button for selecting all ideas and deselecting all ideas in the list of ideas in Innovate activities.
  • As a Leader you can now see directly in the activity dashboard if there are external participants (participant link users) that are following the activity. There is a red notification circle on the megaphone button in the top right corner of the screen if someone is following.
  • Several UX and design improvements.
  • Follow activities and send messages to followers. Guest participants (activity link users) can now follow activities by entering their email. Leaders can then send messages to the guests and also to participants from their Vocean place. Currently available messages include “New activity available”, “Participation reminder”, “Results available” and “Thank for participation”.
  • Vocean Copilot improvements. Improved actions include “Improve activity” and “Find duplicates”. Another improvement is a decent increase in the number of contributions it can analyze.
  • General design improvements.
  • New participate cards with improved user experience and design.
  • Progress bars that show progress when participating in activities and workboards.
  • You can now export AI results to Word documents (docx). Export reports and other texts generated by Vocean Copilot to Word documents with just one click. The documents are downloaded to your device for you to keep and modify. Click here to read more about Vocean Copilot.
  • Join by code! A new way to join activities. On activity links you can now enable “Code”. It’s a 6-character code that your attendees can use to join via that activity link. The code is entered via to join.
  • Activity links Floating panels has been updated. Better design and more features, including possibility to show the 6-character code that can be used to join.
  • You can now delete personal invites.
  • General design improvements.
  • Smoother handling of participant links. Now you can manage participant links directly in the sidebar of the workboard.
  • Quick buttons when managing which activities activity links are connected to. Quickly select or deselect all activities, or quickly change the link towards the next or previous activity.
  • Improved appearance of the sidebar for the workboard, as well as inside the expanded “Manage links” card.
  • Better guidance when you have created a workboard for how to add activities, create links and invite participants.
  • Management of the activity links is now updated in real time for other leaders.
  • The number of users of activity links is now directly visible on the links and can be tracked in real time.
  • You can now display the activity heading, description, and image while in presentation mode of a card. To do so, simply access the top of the card during presentation mode where you will find a button titled “Presentation Settings.” Here, you can choose to hide or show the activity heading, depending on your preference.
  • Folders in the activity list. You can now create folders on the activities page to strucutre all your activities in your organisation.
  • More ways to visualize data in the Innovate word cloud. You can now choose to show key phrases, all words, the full texts of the contributions or categories in the word cloud.
  • Easier management of activity links. Each activity link now has their own dropdown where you select which activities they have access to.
  • New page where Space admins view their licenses. See how many licenses you have, how many that are currently in use, and the renewal date. On this page you can also request to upgrade your number of licenses. The page can be accessed by Space admins through the left sidebar.
  • Embed and link directly to cards. In the headers of expanded cards you will now find a link button where you can find an embed code or direct link to the card. Login and access to the activity is required for people viewing the embed or link.
  • Setting in Innovate activities to send notifications to specific email addresses. You can also filter by category, so that a specific email only receives notifications about contributions with selected categories.
  • Group filter when managing participants in activities. Also buttons for adding or removing all members to an activity with one click.
  • Filters in activity list. Filter by activity type and your role in the activities.
  • Several minor updates and improvements.
  • Activity heading, description and image is now shown in the popup where you create new Innovate contributions.
  • After creating new Innovate contributions on the “Thank you” page you can now see how many contributions you have submitted and how many the minimum/maximum numbers of contributions are in the activity.
  • There is now a new setting in the Explore slider widget where you can choose to show intervals above each section on the slider.
  • It is now possible to paste and upload images to innovate contributions via rich text properties.
  • You can now change the size of texts in presentation mode. After expanding a card, click the presentation mode button, then a text size setting button will appear among the other buttons in the card header.
  • Participants that are using mobile phone to participate are now notified in realtime when a new activity is added to the workboard that they have access to.
  • Scale question type is now its own question type in Explore, instead of being a setting on Multiple options questions.
  • Slideshow functionality in expanded cards while in presentation mode. You can now use previous/next buttons to go to the previous or next card while in presentation mode.
  • You can now show a list of all contributions in the expanded word cloud card in Innovate. There is a button in the card header that toggles the visibility of a list of all contributions next to the word cloud.
  • The list of contributions in the Innovate word cloud card that appears when clicking a word is now sorted by likes with the most liked item in the top.
  • See some of the updates in this Video Presentation.
  • Name of the Vote activity changed name to Prioritize.
  • Filter on result links. There is now a setting on activity result links where you can select groups and/or participant links. When using a result link with a filter, all results will be filtered to only show responses from participants in the selected groups/participant links.
  • The new improved filter dropdown menu used in Explore cards is now added to Innovate and Vote cards too.
  • More ways to enrich ideas. Previously, idea properties could only be of the Slider type. Now we’re adding more types of properties and the ability to have an unlimited number of properties. The new types of properties are text and rich text. Rich text is an advanced text editor which provides lots of new opportunities to enrich ideas.
  • New flow for creating ideas. More focus on the idea and a larger surface with more possibilities.
  • Your-contributions cards are replaced with everyone’s-contributions cards filtered to show only your contributions. Provides the same powerful filtering/sorting options etc. as your contributions.
  • Be able to change Innovate settings after contributions have been received, including changing properties.
  • Be able to move contributions (ideas and voting options) to new Explore activities.
  • More predefined scales in Explore, as well as improvements (tooltips that show the steps of the scales and clearer names for the different scales).
  • Be able to set who can edit contributions in Innovera (Everyone or the contribution’s Creator and Leader). Makes it possible to allow everyone to edit everyone’s contributions which takes the opportunities to co-create to a new level.
  • You can now add new contributions in the everyone’s-contributions card in Innovate.
  • New result card in Explore to show different types of calculations for selected scale questions. You can select questions of type multiple options with scale activated. Show calculations such as average, median, standard deviation, number of positive answers etc.
  • You can now choose for each property in Innovate whether it should be displayed or not – or only later when enriching contributions. This property can be changed later. This is useful for example if you want to focus on different properties at different times during the process.
  • A floating panel for activity links. You can now open up floating panels for result and participation links. These panels contains the QR-code in different sizes and also a button for copying the link. You can open several floating panels from different workboards and activities and move them around on the screen and they are persistent throughout the session when navigating through the platform.
  • You can now drag and drop cards in activities to change their order. You can do this while in edit mode of an activity. To enter edit mode click the edit button in the top right corner of the screen while inside an activity.
  • All Leaders of an activity can now view and manage all cards of that activity, not just the cards that has been added by themself.
  • Minimum number of responses privacy setting in Explore.
    When this setting is applied, the specified number of responses is required before results are displayed or exportable. This is to reinforce the level of anonymity for the participants and is strongly recommended in activities where sensitive questions are applied, for example in employee surveys. This setting will limit the possibility to make correlations between the questions, to prevent an individual from being identified based on the answers. Participants are notified when this setting is enabled.
  • Question correlation filters in Explore. You can now filter the result of Explore questions by answers from other questions. You can filter using answers from questions of the types yes/no and multiple options.
  • Technical improvements.

Platform Updates 2022

  • Name of Survey activity changed to Explore.
  • New improved look and flow when adding questions to Explore.
  • Possibility to set the order of answer options in multiple choice questions.
  • You can now set sentiment on answer options in multiple choice questions.
  • You can now choose to activate Scale on multiple choice questions. Sentiment and Scale will make it possible for new ways to visualize results in the future.
  • Predefined common scales you can load if you use scale.
  • Ability to set sorting on column charts in Explore (Fixed or Toplist).
  • When you create Explore activities, a column chart is automatically created instead of “Horizontal bars” for multiple-choice questions if you have Scale enabled, otherwise “Horizontal bars” is created as before.
  • When you participate in Explore and answer multiple-choice questions, the options are now displayed inline and all get the same width, so that no option should get more focus than another.
  • Terms and conditions have been updated.
  • New result cards for the Survey activity. Column chart, Pie chart, Text list, Horizontal bars, and Result slider.
  • New improved filter menu added to all Survey result cards.
  • You can now select responses of Survey text questions and copy them to other Innovate and Vote activities.
  • When your Trial period expires you can now request to extend it.
  • Our Vocean Connector version 2.0 is now live in Power Platform. With it you can retrieve contributions from the different activities. It is also possible to let a trigger inform you, for example, when an idea is added or when an activity you are participating in finishes. Official description of the connector can be found here: Vocean Connector.
  • Embed code for activity links that let you embed participation links and result links in other applications.
  • Use likes as property for axises and bubble size in Innovate matrix.
  • Show which contributions that are yours in the Innovate contribution list.
  • You can now edit your own contributions in the Innovate result widgets when you are a participant.
  • You can now specify a minimum number of contributions in Innovate activities that each participant has to contribute with.
  • Length of trial period is changed to 14 days.
  • Categorize contributions for innovate activities. See the video presentation for a quick walkthrough.
  • It’s now possible to enable contribution text labels in the innovate matrix card.
  • Amount of likes for a contribution is now visible in the “Your contributions” card for innovate activities.
  • Trial period is extended to 28 days instead of 14.
  • New design of the onboarding flow.
  • Menu for managing selected contributions or voting options. Move or copy selected contributions or voting options between Innovate and Vote activities, or create a new activity and bring the selected contributions or voting options to the new activity. You can also use this menu to delete all selected contributions or voting options. Video presentation.
  • A new help menu is now always available in the bottom right corner of the platform. Here you can find links for contacting Vocean, asking for a new feature, giving feedback or reporting a problem. You can also find a link to the changelog to read more about new Vocean releases.
  • A link to the changelog is added to the popup notifying users that there is an update.
  • Preselect USD instead of SEK in shop if the user is not Swedish.
  • There is now a setting for personal Space invites for automatically adding the people as Leaders and Premium Leaders.
  • In Innovate when adding contributions you can now see how many contributions you have added and what the max allowed number of contributions are.
  • Spectators are now able to expand the question results in Survey to view more details in the same way as Leaders can.
  • You can now sort Innovate result by alphabetical order in the contributions list card.
  • You can now expand the participant card in all activity types after the activity has finished to view your contribution.
  • Free accounts will not be able to use Templates anymore, that is a feature for paid licenses.
  • Technical improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Onboarding flow improvements.
  • People invited during Trial creation are now automatically added as Premium Leaders.
  • Innovate participate card is now added to the card library.
  • Innovate participate card now has a settings menu with some settings for managing the card.
  • Innovate participate card now has a full screen functionality if the user want full focus on the ideation process.
  • The word “Idea” is replaced with “Contribution” throughout the entire Platform to make it more generic and fit more use cases.
  • Trial is now automatically activated when creating a Free account. When the Trial ends the user will be asked to downgrade to Free or to purchase a paid license.
  • Users that are not a member of any Place are now automatically redirected to the create Trial flow.
  • New design of Place invitation page.
  • Validation of email and phone numbers when creating a Place.
  • New cookies consent banner.
  • Updated template information.
  • Shop improvements.
  • Technical improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Button to print your answers in Survey activities.
  • Trial accounts. New customers can now test Vocean Premium 14 days for free.
  • Contact information is required for new Trial and Free accounts for our customer managers to serve you better.
  • Technical improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Template system – A completely new concept in Vocean. Create processes and flows of activities with just one click using pre-defined templates, or create your own templates from processes that you have created yourself.
  • Leader instructions. You can now add instructions to activities that will only be visible to other Leaders of those activities.
  • Create new activity from Vote and bring the selected voting options to the new activity.
  • Import ideas from another activity. Select ideas or voting options in an activity and then import them to another Innovate activity.
  • Import voting options from another activity. Select ideas or voting options in an activity and then import them to another Vote activity.
  • Create Vote activities without voting options. This is useful for example if your vote options depends on ideas in another activity that is still running.
  • New onboarding flow for creation of Free accounts.
  • Improvements to Free account creation flow.
  • Shop improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Vocean can now be purchased through Microsoft Teams.
  • New addon for exporting activity data. Export data to for example Excel or Power BI.
  • Updated payment terms.
  • Bug fixes.
  • New prices.
  • A card library that contains different types of components that the user can add to their activities dashboards depending on their use cases.
  • Scatter plot card for the Survey activity. Can be added from the card library.
  • Improvements to Pipedrive integration.
  • Change order of activities in Workboards using drag and drop.
  • Dropdown menu on each activity in the workboard sidebar with options for finishing, activating, restarting, removing and changing orders of activities.
  • Updated icons.
  • Lists of activities and reports in sidebar are not expanded as default anymore.
  • Owner will be automatically Premium when upgrading to Premium license.
  • Possibility to change name of Place when upgrading from Free.
  • Pipedrive integration so our customer managers can serve you better.
  • Updates to payment terms.
  • Shop improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Workboards – A complete remake of how activities are structured, managed and their design. Video presentation.
  • The page that contains all your activities is now grouped by workboard.
  • Improved design and user experience throughout the platform.
  • Presentation modes (full screen) for all result views.
  • Activities presentation (heading, description and image) can now be updated also when the activity is active.
  • Complete remake of the technical solution of the realtime functionalities.
  • The Teams integration is totally remaked to support the new workboards.
  • Minimum Leaders that can be purchased is changed from two to one.
  • Navigation buttons that appear after participation that leads to the next activity in the Workboard.
  • Card that offers guests to try Vocean after they have participated. The card leads to
  • New design of login/signup screens.
  • New design of email verification page.
  • Shop improvements.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Shop improvements.
  • Updated limitations for free accounts.
  • Bug fixes.